Thursday, April 21, 2011


Over time in the blogging project I have learned a few things. I’ve learned how to research topics, how to streach your wording out, and I learned more on my topic “ The Tick of Time “. I was very greatful for this project because it was not only a hands on activity, but it also allowed us to use the computers instead of barrying our heads in textbooks. It gave each student the chance to talk about a topic of their choice. They could choose whatever they wanted to make their blog about. Each week we were given a specific topic to write about our subject in. So all of the students had to do work and research on the computers and maybe even in some books to learn more about your topic. It was more difficult for some than it was for others. I endedup not knowing a lot about my topic. This blogging project made me go more in depth of my subject. At first I wasn’t aware that so many people felt the way I felt about the tick of time. Some people actually even made books about it. And how the tick of time inspired each of them. Everyone had to look up quotes for our blogs on our topics, giving us a chance to see what other people have said about our subject. Another thing I learned is how to use the computer and internet more effiecently. I had to go deep into some research to look for information on my topic. My subject was a little more difficult than others because my topic is more of an opinion. So therefore it was hard to do research on it. Most of the people who created the blogs, did their topics on facts. If it was a fact, then it would have been a lot easier to look up information on my topic. But with the stuggle of not fully having the availablity to many different sites, it allowed be to gain knowledge on how to research difficult topics. Now I know in the future, two things. One if you are given a blogging project, you probably should pick a topic or subject that is a fact that way you could be more successful in finding facts reguarding the subject. Another thing I learned is that even when things get difficult in your work, keep trying. The answers are out there, you just have to go and find them. You may have to try a bit harder looking for the answers, but you know they are out there. You just have to do the work on your part to find them, usually resulting in a good grade! Another thing I learned in doing this blog project, is how to strech my wording. Sometimes you may have a certain wording amount needed on an essay or project of some sort. When this comes about, you have to know how to strech out your words. Not ramabling on and on, but actually saying something. Saying something more in depth. Giving greater details to the person who may be reading your essay. You must try to give them a better understanding, which will also give you the chance to strech out your wording a bit. So in the end I was very greatful for this blogging project and I would definatley say that Mrs. Pearson should do this every year. Because it has great educational purpouses and it also allows students to talk about their own topic and give them a chance to express themselves in their own way about their own thing. I had fun with this project and I want to thank everyone who has read my blog. ( Photo credit:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

More punishment than just jail.

Do you think that if people should commit a crime, that in some way or another they should do something other than or more than just going to prison or jail? I personally do. Crime rate is on the rise. Everyday more crime is committed. Criminals should have to pay some kind of fine, weather it being money, community service, or helping raise money for something. Depending on their crime, determines what the other consequence should be. If someone was to harm a person or murder a person they get thrown in jail. They get three meals a day and an hour out in the sun. They get cable television and are surrounded by their buddies half the time. Yeah, they aren’t out and about with their real friends but they are surrounded by people they know and by people that they talk to and joke with. So therefore these people doing horrible things are in a way, rewarded. Jail seems like such a safe place. They are always from people trying to kill them or harm them for what they did. I think these criminals should have to raise money or make some kind of payments to the families that they have taken someone from. Or do something that will benefit the earth or something along those lines. I don’t think it’s fair for them to just be sitting in jail/prison till death doing absolutely nothing. Just waiting what life they have left in that environment. They should be forced to get up and do something positive. They obviously did something negative in order to end up where they are. So I think depending on their crime, they should be forced to do something positive with their lives from here on out. Maybe they should serve something even harsher than being executed. They should suffer and go through all the hurt that they put the other person through. The things that people do anymore, is not right. We have to try to make something positive out of all this negativity. Laws should be passed saying that criminals are required to make themselves better people and to help out the families that they hurt. Depending on the crime though, determines what their penalty would be. This may, or may not change people’s actions in the meantime. Only time its self will tell.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The time of the Aztecs.

( ) During the time of the Aztecs they had two different calanders. One was used to measure time and the other was used to measure religious festivals. The time measuring calander was used for when would be the best time to start planting and growing crops, and the religious calander was used to tell the people when would be a good time to consult with the gods. The time measuring calanders days consited of 365 days a year divided into 18 months. Each month had 20 days, and there were 5 extra days at the end of the year. Which those days were brought about to be the “bad luck” days and that would be the most likley time that a disaster would happen. The religious calanders days consisted of a 260-day cycle, called the tonalpohualli, or also known as the "count of days." In the book that Elizabeth Hill Boone wrote she stated the following information about the religious calander,

"Twenty day signs ran consecutively, from crocodile through flower, repeating
after the 20th day. Beside the day signs ran 13 day numbers, 1 through 13, the
numbers advancing with each day up to 13, when they repeated again with 1. Thus,
the day count began with 1 Crocodile, 2 Wind, 3 House, 4 Lizard, and continued
up to 13 Reed, when the numbers began again with 1: 1 Jaguar, 2 Eagle, 3
Vulture, and so forth. The 20 day signs and the 13 numbers, advancing side by
side, yielded 260 uniquely named days."
Both of the calanders were being run at the same time each consistantly falling once every 52 years. Each Aztec cycle was divided into 52 year cycles also known as to something similar to out 100-year cycles, also called centuries. In the Aztec calanders, each day belonged to a different God. So the days went accoringly with however the Gods day was going. The Gods were the ones who determined how each and every day went. If a child was born on one of those bad days, the child would not be named till a good day to get rid of any harmful effects of the bad day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interview with Ashley Savage.

Hello, my name is Mia Brown and I’m going to be interviewing you on your views of how time goes about and what your plans are in life and what inspires you to act on things. I am interviewing Ashley Savage.
1.) What do you do in your free time?
Go to the beach, go out with friends, go to the pool, ride around in my caddy and eat food.
2.) What inspires you to act on something?
If it benefits me in the future, then that’s what is going to get done. I’m going to do anything I can to do anything I can do to be successful. The outcome is what inspires me.
3.) Do you think time is running out?
Yes, time is running out. Every day is closer to dying, everyday is closer to less time to be successful. Every day is less time till the end of the world. So therefore, yes time is running out.
4.) What are your plans in life?
My plan is to be independent and stand on my own two feet and not have to need anyone else.
5.) Do you manage time well? If so, tell your secrets.
No, I’m a procrastinator and I’m lazy. I do not manage time well.
6.) Do you think people in society utilize their time wisely?
No because people in get lazy over time and procrastinate too much, just as myself.
7.) If you had to define time, how would you define it?
Time is of the essence. Time would most definitely be money. Time is everything that’s going to make you, in the end.
8.) If you had an hour left to live what would you do?
I would be with my family and my real friends.
9.) Do you believe that society’s intelligence level is decreasing due to simplified, faster technology?
Yes, I don’t think anyone can do anything on their own anymore. They always use the computers and no one has to use their brains anymore.
10.) Do you think you’ve left your mark on earth, from the time you’ve been here?
I can’t really answer that because I’m still young and I still have a lot to learn and experience.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Over time, entertainment has changed.

Over time entertainment has changed dramatically. In the early ages in the beginning of time people in Ancient Egypt often did tribal dances for a purpose. Dancing and creating songs were a basic human activity. They often did these dances to the Gods to beg for good hunting, rain, and for protection against evil spirits. In ancient Greece long ago, and some still today, they did drama. Ancient Greece had annual festivals and a chorus. They had a chorus preform in a circular area called the orchestra. In Ancient Rome they copied the Greek theather . Many of the Romans were unemployed, so therefore they spent a lot of their time perfecting these plays that they created. They also has violent drama, comedy, and “mime”. “mime” is a mixture of acrobatics and farce. In China they preformed Chinese religious festivals. They created permantent theaters, and made tradiditional charecters such as tyrants, demonds, young girls, gods, and goddesses. In Japan they has theatrical traditions which consisted of Asian court dancesand a drama called Noh. It was created to entertain warriors and nobles whose code of conduct forbade the expression of emotion. Over time popular traditions were develoed. Well-loved comedy was established by the Romans. The Chrisitan authorities closed the theaters. And from the Dark Ages forward people in Europe preformed old jokes, as clowns, dancers, ballad singers, acrobats, and puppeteers. They kept alive the technical tricks of the theater. Eventually the Globe Theater was created. It was created in the 16th century and was made to preform small plays. There people acted out plays and people would gather around and watch these plays. In Mideval and Renaissance they created tournamnets, mock battles, and made festive games. Each day would end with a feast and dance. Then further on down the road the opera, ballet, and puppets were created and more and more people came to enjoy watcing those preformances. Eventually the circus came around people would join the cirucs and watch the cirus and go to the fair for a rush of adrenaline. Then more down the road the age of Cinema was invented. Television was made and everyone could enjoy watching these plays, dances, shows, and songs being shown right in the comfort of their own living room. Later, the radio was invented. Music of all sorts was played on the radio for people to listen to at any time. They could dance to it, or just listen to it whenever they wanted. It was a great way to pass time and to enjoy a nice song. Overtime entertainment has changed. Yes, a lot of the entertainment was with singing, dancing, and acting. But it has transformed overtime into this great thing. People can enjoy many different forms for it more easily, and accuratley. (Morley, Jacqueline 1994.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Entertaining, inexpensive ways to spend your free time.

I got the photograph to the left from ( )
Do you have too much time on your hands? If so here are some great things to do to occupy your time that are free, and can be very entertaining.
. The first time consuming activity would be to make a puzzle. If you are stressed or you have a lot of time on your hands, making a puzzle is a great way to occupy your time. You’re staying out of trouble and you’re doing something that can help your hand/eye coordination. It is a simple way of stimulating your mind. If you are interested in this activity I would highly recommend a puzzle with a minimum of 1000 pieces. Get something more difficult, that way you’re not necessarily in a rush to finish it, but you also use your time to think hard about putting the difficult pieces together.
2. Rearranging your house would be another way to occupy your time. Do room by room and rearrange all the furniture and pictures/posters that you have hanging around. If you live on your own, this is a great thing to do. You don’t need permission and you can arrange everything the way that you choose to do so. But if you happen to live with someone else, or your parents you’re going to want to get their permission and approval before beginning to rearrange any living areas that are not your own.
3. Play a game. Playing games either online, or on a game system are a way that many people use today. Some people are addicted to this system of occupying their time. Play something you know you’re not going to get TOO into, that way your life does not end up revolving around this game. Just play something you enjoy either alone, or with a friend. Maybe even add more than one friend.
4. Go for a hike. Going for a hike is not only a healthy option, but it is also very time consuming as well. Plan a day to go on a 10 mile hike. Bring friends or family if you want, or just spend the day alone on nature’s path. Be sure to bring lots of water and healthy snacks to stay hydrated! You’re more than likely going to be outdoors all day long. Enjoy the time being outdoors and dress according to the weather. Be sure to wear sunscreen!
5. Making art is a time consuming activity. It is a simple way to express your self and it is a lot of fun. Depending on what you make, creating a masterpiece usually takes a long time. You can attempt to perfect what you’re trying to make. You will probably spend a good bit of your extra time on this masterpiece that you are creating. You may even end up making some extra cash doing this as well. It is also a way to release stress. So if you’re stressed, and have a lot of time on your hands, grab some paint and express yourself!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


( This is supposed to be my third post).
Many people today are under the impression that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. This day marks the ending of the Mayan calendar. People all over the world think that this day, is then going to be the end of the world. There is no significant way to prepare for something like this. If you believe the world is going to end on December 21, 2012 then you know your time is running out. You want to live your life to the fullest, while you have it. People all over the world are living their lives day by day. They are acting like this matter is nonexistent. Then again, there are some people who are trying to do everything in their lives that they have ever wanted to do, before 12/21/12 hits. Some think it’s foolish to act on this matter. But then again, how can you be so sure that it’s NOT going to happen. No one really knows positively when the world is going to end. Only God himself can control such things. But that just might be his plan. No one can ever be so sure. Author Mark Hitchcock presents the Christian perspective as to the end of the age. “We know some things for sure: 1) We are living in the last days; 2) God's timetable is not our timetable; 3) Christ's coming is closer than it has ever been; 4) The timing is in God's hands. None of us knows how much time we have left”. Yes, I mean there is some science behind it. But there is no absolute answer to weather they can determine if the world is going to end or not. Not only that, but in the past astronomers and scientists have made countless predictions of the world coming to an end. There is nothing that is definite. So it is left to you, to think weather the world is going to end on December 21, 2012.