Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Over time, entertainment has changed.

Over time entertainment has changed dramatically. In the early ages in the beginning of time people in Ancient Egypt often did tribal dances for a purpose. Dancing and creating songs were a basic human activity. They often did these dances to the Gods to beg for good hunting, rain, and for protection against evil spirits. In ancient Greece long ago, and some still today, they did drama. Ancient Greece had annual festivals and a chorus. They had a chorus preform in a circular area called the orchestra. In Ancient Rome they copied the Greek theather . Many of the Romans were unemployed, so therefore they spent a lot of their time perfecting these plays that they created. They also has violent drama, comedy, and “mime”. “mime” is a mixture of acrobatics and farce. In China they preformed Chinese religious festivals. They created permantent theaters, and made tradiditional charecters such as tyrants, demonds, young girls, gods, and goddesses. In Japan they has theatrical traditions which consisted of Asian court dancesand a drama called Noh. It was created to entertain warriors and nobles whose code of conduct forbade the expression of emotion. Over time popular traditions were develoed. Well-loved comedy was established by the Romans. The Chrisitan authorities closed the theaters. And from the Dark Ages forward people in Europe preformed old jokes, as clowns, dancers, ballad singers, acrobats, and puppeteers. They kept alive the technical tricks of the theater. Eventually the Globe Theater was created. It was created in the 16th century and was made to preform small plays. There people acted out plays and people would gather around and watch these plays. In Mideval and Renaissance they created tournamnets, mock battles, and made festive games. Each day would end with a feast and dance. Then further on down the road the opera, ballet, and puppets were created and more and more people came to enjoy watcing those preformances. Eventually the circus came around people would join the cirucs and watch the cirus and go to the fair for a rush of adrenaline. Then more down the road the age of Cinema was invented. Television was made and everyone could enjoy watching these plays, dances, shows, and songs being shown right in the comfort of their own living room. Later, the radio was invented. Music of all sorts was played on the radio for people to listen to at any time. They could dance to it, or just listen to it whenever they wanted. It was a great way to pass time and to enjoy a nice song. Overtime entertainment has changed. Yes, a lot of the entertainment was with singing, dancing, and acting. But it has transformed overtime into this great thing. People can enjoy many different forms for it more easily, and accuratley. (Morley, Jacqueline 1994.)


  1. I like your post , very informal & creative . Good job mia ! A+ ;)

  2. Thanks, did you even read it Ashley?
